I'd like to introduce Jack & Jill. These kits are the first offerings from Benevolent Boutique, a digiscrap store in the making. Benevolent Boutique will feature a forum, gallery, chat, store and of course a blog. The best part of Benevolent Boutique is the name represents the store's philosophy. All kits sold at Benevolent Boutique are created for to raise money for a charity.
For the first kit, the fearless organizer, Crystal from DigiScrapalicious chose the Make-a-Wish Foundation as the charity of choice. This was due in part to June being Potty Training Awareness month (I know, who knew???). I happened upon the BB blog while she was looking for designers and applied and now I'm a part of history. The idea of creating for charity really appeals to me since I don't want to sell kits, but I really welcome the challenge of creating something spectacular. This was a great learning experience and I think my latest freebie (Spring Swing) was a result of the growing process that occured during the creation of Jack & Jill. I was fortunate to contribute to both kits, and they both have many possibilities for creating many LOs of your little man or princess.
Check out the fab designers who pitched in to create these kits...
Contributing designers for Jack: KimB, Elegant WordArt, DigiScrapalicious, By God's Design, Sweet DigiScraps, Sarah Belle, & My Digital Moon.
Contributing designers for Jill: Raspberry Road Designs, Elegant WordArt, DigiScrapalicious, Sarah Belle, My Digital Moon, & Farrah's Creations.
To whet your appetite, I created some QPs. Pick them up and then head over to Benevolent Boutique and check out Jack & Jill.

Pick up the Jill QP HERE
Pick up the Jack QP HERE
I won't be able to participate in July's kit, as I am being inducted (sounds serious right?) as our Mother of Multiples newsletter editor and its a big deal and I want to do a super job as I take over the reins. I'm going to modify the style just a bit, so I need to spend some time doing graphics & layouts and deciding what program works best for a newsletter. I tried Publisher, but it made my e-mail go CRAZY, so I won't do that again. Any suggestions?
And another little toot! for me. My Spring Swing kit was selected as the Digi Pick-o-the day at Scrap N' Art ezine today! I hadn't even stumbled across Scrap N' Art until I got the notice, so you can just imagine my socks were blown off. Sometimes you need a little validation from a complete stranger to make you realize that "WOW, I am doing ok at this". Now just to win the big prize they are offering just for subscribing to their emagazine, and I think I'll have had a huge run on good luck!
Way to go! That's so exciting! These QPs are gorgeous. Thanks!
Love the quickpages! You are super fast! And thanks for the plug :) Good luck with the newsletter, it sounds like fun.
Those qp look great! I will go check out the kit...thank you!
Sarah, you go girl!! So exciting. You are an artist and one of the smartest people I know. I have SO much to download...better get started. THANK YOU!! :) Love ya, girl!
I bought both because A, they are for a good cause, and B, because they are great kits! Thank you very much for the QPs, and I love your stuff! Thanks for sharing and you are in my favs!! =)
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