Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Santa Baby - not quite done

These LOs are not done, but I needed to take a break from them and for some reason I find that posting them here gives me fresh perspective. Looking at these LOs it seems as if they should have been so easy, but I've been at it 3 hours now and I still don't have a title or journaling (can't think of a title at all). I was having a dickens of a time finding paper I liked and tried to recolor a bunch of stuff, but the red in the sweater was hard to match. Ended up taking stuff from a bunch of different kits and recoloring some. Learned how to burn & dodge (necessary for really making the safety pin look like it went through the paper). I found some tutorials for that I'll share in case someone else is looking. I spent a little bit figuring it out and you can't even hardly see it, but maybe it will look right on the printed page.

Links for credits to be added later

Paper from douceurenivrantebypetitmoineaux, Kim B's Christmas Around the World,
Stitching by Natali
Safety Pin from DreadFullyHappy
Ribbon from Ashley's Polka Dot Christmas
Tutorial - Realistic Stick Pin Placement by Studio Girls

1 comment:

Flergs said...

Here you go girly!!